Singing Guide: Carolyn Dawn Johnson

Singing Guide: Carolyn Dawn Johnson

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Carolyn Dawn Johnson (CDJ) is a Canadian singer-songwriter that has reached fame thanks to her warm alto voice and personalized country sound. She is considered one of the pioneers of female country-music in Canada, having generated interest in the genre and become a role model for aspiring female artists worldwide.

CDJ's vocal technique stands out for her ability to perform clean end notes, enveloping vibratos, and powerful country twangs. Her natural breathy style also sets her apart from other country singers. By listening to her songs and analyzing her live performances, aspiring singers can learn and incorporate some of CDJ's signature techniques into their singing and help achieve their country-music dreams.

One of the key features of CDJ's style is her use of vibrato. The technique involves oscillating the pitch of the note, adding both depth and emphasis to the vocal. CDJ uses hers to emphasize the final notes of phrases or bring out the emotions in the lyrics. Vocalists can develop their vibrato style using Singing Carrots' "Singing with vibrato" article, which explains various ways of creating vibrato using breathing and diaphragm control.

Another important element of CDJ's vocals is her use of twang. It is a difficult technique to master, but it provides country music its unique sound. CDJ's twang sounds natural, and she uses it to great effect in songs like "Georgia," "Little Bit of This, Little Bit of That," and "Simple Life." Singers can develop their twang using Singing Carrots' "Contemporary vocal techniques: Heavy modal, Twang, Belting" article and accompanying exercises such as the "How to Twang Exercise" video.

CDJ is also recognized for her perfect pitch accuracy, particularly in her song "Complicated." Singers who aim to achieve similar accuracy can use Singing Carrots' "Pitch accuracy test" to evaluate their current pitch accuracy level and track their progress over time.

CDJ's voice has an unmistakable sound thanks to her unique phrasing and the distinctive way she approaches each note. The singer is open about her use of breathing techniques to obtain this unique sound, outlining her methods in the "Open mouth and throat" article available in the Singing Carrots platform.

With Singing Carrots resources such as the "Singing course" and "Breath support" articles, singers can also learn the basics and apply them to master breathing and gain control of their pitch. Additional resources such as "Why do we sing out of pitch?" and "Vocal health" provide information on how to avoid common pitfalls when learning to sing and how to protect the voice from strain and injury.

CDJ's dedication to her craft has made her one of the most influential country singers of her generation. With Singing Carrots' resources, vocalists can learn some of the essential techniques she uses and apply them to improve their own singing abilities.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.